Sunset golf

Those incredible, autumn sunsets are starting to happen.

We set up a golf net in the back yard and enjoyed sunset golf tonight.


  1. Oh...I love sunsets! My heart just cannot think about God when I see them.

  2. Lovely photographer - and I always love the golf shots too.

    I'm curious - what is that net you are using to capture the ball? Is it specifically designed? I could just ask my husband who is a PGA Golf Professional as well, but he's at work right now. We've talked about nets the the backyard, but moreso to reign in the side so the shots didn't shoot out into the cul-de-sac - similar to a driving range. The kids got shooting too far for our yard so that conversation stopped. I need to get them out on the range or the course, really.


  3. Hi Mary! It is a golf net for those purposes picked up at Galaxy Golf by the hospital and Home Depot.

    There are many also found just by googling golf net. What fun the kids are having with it!

    Now we need to get your husband onboard for a golf clinic of our homeschoolers! :)

    I never cool!!!!!!!!

  4. Lovely sunset pic! You know how I love those. :-) And a golf net? Hmmmm.....what I can learn from you! LOL

  5. we get those sunsets here all year round when its sunny out:) they are beautiful!!


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