My son, the gold medalist!

Team Finland takes the local summer world hockey GOLD medal and the world league cup by a score of 7-3.

What an exciting game!


  1. Rock On!!!!! Many congratulations to the team.


  2. This was a real David vs. Goliath victory. The team that Finland defeated was undefeated for most of the regular seasom, while Finland starting slowly, not winning until about the 4th of 5th game of the season. Obviously, Finland improved tremendously as the season wore on. I give so much credit to the players, but also to their coach who stressed "defense first" and "have fun." Congratulations Son and "GO FINALND!"

    Thanks also to our family members and dear friends who came out to cheer and provide moral support!!

  3. Congrats! Its a great feeling when your team wins the Gold!

  4. Congratulations!!! You must be SO proud!! How fun!

  5. I'm looking at the headshot of your son right beside your wedding portrait, and he sure dies look like the two of you! Nice looking boy! Congratulations on the medal!

  6. That must have been exciting! I still cannot believe there is hockey anywhere else except here in cold Minnesota.

    Way to go team!

  7. Wow! Congratulations to your son! How exciting!

  8. Congratulations to your good young man and his team!!

  9. A-W-E-S-O-M-E !!!!! Way to go! woot, woot


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