Summer Golf


  1. When the children begin a new lingo, shouting our "fore" all day long, viva la golf! LOL Our older son who visited with us the past two weeks continued to take his younger brothers golfing. Three times their golf games were canceled due to severe storms rolling in the horn at the golf course shacks signaling them to end. Last Saturday they were hoping for a round of 18 holes (last attempt before he left, none of which came to fruition to this point), and made it to hole 3 before more severe lightning and thunder peeled them from the course. Imagine the crazy weather these days! Anyway, our 11 yo wants new clubs. The ones from the thrift store are either too big, or the wrong hand. He's a leftie. Where did you acquire your children' clubs, any tips? I'm gulping at the price of the darned things these days, especially knowing they will soon grow out of them!

  2. I just LOVE thunderstorms but, that's just not right that the never got 18 in...I can just imagine the thrill of the kids that their big brother was taking them golfing! Although I have a lefty, he doesn't play golf that way! A bit ambidextrous I guess...I used to do the yard sale circuit and picked up a lot of clubs that way. My oldest now likes to salivate over the nice clubs at the stores now. For his birthday he wants The Medicus, it breaks if you swing "wrong"...that and a net so they can take drives into it in the backyard. I think my days of getting by cheaply are coming to an end! :)

  3. Okay, jinxed myself here with this comment. LOL Have to tell you we went to a local sports store quickly this morning to check out both used and new golf clubs. ah-hem. We got there just in time for the doors to open, and apparently we hit it BIG (!) this day because there were half price doorcrasher specials for upcoming Canada Day festivities here. Imagine that luck! We arrived home with not one, but three golf sets with bags (count them, more to add to the already bursting supply of STUFF in our garage on the sports shelves...Laugh). Pinch me! Our summer calendar will now be tweaked with much golfing. Our backyard will be begging for mercy soon...and the children will head next door to find more stray golf balls from the golf course there. LOL Just thought to share this adventurous find with you. Price was GREAT! wink Will blog soon.

    Thanks for the lovely email...hugs back!


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