Leading by example....


  1. Amen to that! I am fortunate enough to attend a parish where we still use the communion rail and receive on the tongue. When we moved into town it was the first church we visited and we felt at home from the very first Mass.

  2. This is truely awesome!! We have a rail . . . I hope we'll use it eventually! I can only hint and suggest . . .

  3. I second (or third) that AMEN!!! I do hope it spreads fast to the U.S.!

  4. Hi Ladies! Hope you all had a blessed Sunday recieving Our Lord.

    I've come full circle. The post Vatican II church I attended as a child had the kneelers for a while after because I remember being at the rail and the paten under my chin. (As an aside, Vatican II did NOT say anything about taking out altar rails...ah, the slippery slope again.)

    And now here I am recieving on my knees again, on my knees before my King.


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