17 years ago...

7:41 PM

The Dress

The Flowers

The Church The GroomThe RoomThe CakeThe Dance
The Romance...still continues....

Thank you, my darling, for wedded bliss!


  1. Happy Anniversary to you both!

  2. You were lovely...you are still lovely!!! Both of you are such lovely example of love and devotion!!!

  3. happy anniversary to you both. Steve and I were married 17 years in January.

    You were a beautiful bride and your husband was a handsome groom.


  4. How wonferful, Annie looks just like you. May God bless for the rest of you lives. It is so great to know bothe of you. you make me smile.


  5. Congrats.

    What a blessing.

    There is nothing like it in the world to find someone so special.

    Marriage is such a wonderful sacrament.

    fun to see your pics

  6. Man! How'd you get such a pretty dress back then? All I managed to find (15 years ago) was the danged puffy sleaved nightmare (shudder). Yours is absolutely classic and those pictures could have been taken 50 years ago or last year. Shoot.


    P.S. Is that your mom and mother in law in that top picture...and are they wearing...WHITE?

  7. Thanks to all for your kind words and well wishes.

    Laura, it the top pic it's my mother and grandmother. They are actually in pale pink as was my mother-in-law, not pictured. It wasn't planned that way but they all looked lovely and coordinated...now my bridesmaids, they did wear the crazy puffy sleeves of the 80's Laura. :)

    Stay cool friends!

  8. That was beautiful. Congratulations... What a couple, showing what true love is all about... Your children should be proud and honor of your marriage!

    God bless you!

  9. Congratulations on this wonderful milestone! May your marriage continue to reflect the beauty of God's love to the world.

    God Bless!

  10. Happy Anniversary! The pictures are awesome. Thanks for sharing.

  11. Beautiful pictures!!! Happy anniversary.

  12. Sorry I missed wishing you well on your special day...may God grant you many more years of wedded bliss!

  13. I'm late to this, but you know, I cut down on my reading and commenting, trying to catch up a little!!

    Congrats on your special day, beautiful pictures!!!

    Love your "Summer Ideas" poster, I might have to come up with something like that. We have done things like put ideas in a basket and they pick from it and what they pick, they do. We have not been bored yet...I'm sure it will come though.

    Thank you again for the great prayer book and prayer cards!

  14. Congratulations, and Happy Anniversary! May you be blessed with many, many, many more years together!

  15. The bride and groom are absolutely beautiful!

    The church is stunning!

    What a blessed day!


  16. Alison, I'm so sorry! How did I EVER miss this post! My google reader and I are behind? NO, so what then? ugh. YOU are soooooo beautiful, just like a bridal model. Wow, thank you for sharing these lovely pics...so special. Happy Aniversary! And just LOOK at the church you were married in. WOWZA!!! I'm so envious! Where did our parish go soooo wrong in the seventies! Makes me shake my head all the time! Congratulations, lovely couple, lovely family, great blog! Okay, okay, back to my day here...giggles. Hugs!

  17. Thank you for the complements on the wedding pictures. It so lovely to remember that day every year but humbling to see the changes. Thankfully, the happiness pervades. We were blessed to be married in our city's Basilica, though we did not deserve it. Perhaps the prayers said there in ernest that day brought us to the faith we have now and did not have then. I remember kneeling before Our Blessed Mother's statue, what a good and gentle mother she has been to me!


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