Tridentine Mass for St. Therese
The Oblate Apostles of the Two Hearts (O.A.T.H.) invited us to a Mass in honor of St. Therese's feast day in their chapel. Six of our homeschooling families were able to make it and enjoy a lunch and afternoon with the Priests, Brothers and Sisters. This is the courtyard from the house to the chapel.
We loved how many statues and relics there were everywhere....each with a story.
On the wall were these photos of Father Bing with then, Cardinal Ratzinger and also with Pope John Paul II.
Br. David, from Ireland, took on some of the boys in basketball.
We loved how many statues and relics there were everywhere....each with a story.
Most of all we take with us this feeling of gratitude for such holy and encouraging company. God Bless these Religious!
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