for those who cannot speak for themselves

Familiar with 40 Days for LIFE?
Read here for a full explanation of the effort.During these forty days, pro-life Americans will participate in a three-pronged spiritual battle against the evil of abortion:
1. Prayer and Fasting 2. Peaceful Vigil 3. Community Outreach.
It's not too late to consider how you and your family can participate in some or all of these efforts.Prayer and fasting are self-explanatory, and peaceful vigil might not be possible for every family.
Here are a few ideas for community outreach that families can do together:
1. SHOP for baby necessities (diapers, formula, layette clothing, wipes) and deliver them as a family to a local Crisis Pregnancy Center. Check your Yellow Pages for "Abortion Alternatives" if you need to find a location near you.
2. Join the boycott against corporate supporters of Planned Parenthood. Don't buy their stuff, and write to tell them why!
3. Donate a book to your school or public library that has a prolife perspective. Regina Doman's Angel in the Waters is one such book, written for children and intended to be a read-aloud for ages 4 to 8.
Worth reading: Michelle at Rosetta Stone's take on 40 Days for Life.
Milehimama has some ideas on this subject as well.
Thanks to Barb at for all the above!
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