15 prayers and promises of St. Bridget

9:01 AM

On the latin calendar, today is the feast of St. Bridget of Sweden. I remembered reading about her and her 15 prayers (and promises) in the front of my small, blue Pieta prayer book. At the IHM conference in Virginia this summer, Father Pablo Straub spoke about this saint...how many Pope's believed in her vision and prayers and how we need to as well. I decided to tell the boys about her today and what the EWTN priest said. We read about how each prayer honors a blow that Christ recieved at His scourging and how this devotion is a way of the cross.
I thought they might listen, maybe utter a "wow". Instead, I recieved quite a warrior-like response from them! My oldest said he felt an invisible tap on his shoulder and a whisper that he should do this. He even recognizes that the evil one will now try to tempt him to be too lazy to pray. Second son said that I should punish him if he doesn't say the prayers, they are that important to him. I'm surprised but goosebumped by the work of the Holy Spirit. These boys want to save souls. They are all fired up about saving their family for Eternity. I pray that we can keep up this daily commitment to prayer to gain heaven for those we love.

1 comment:

  1. I have tried many times to say that prayer... I just may try again now that you have mentioned it.



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