Tour of our homeschool

Welcome to our homeschool classroom ~ St. Joseph's Academy!

This is usually where we work and sometimes it's our dining room too. Joining me at the table are our 1st grader, 5th grader, 7th grader and 3 year old auditor.

My children use Our Lady of Victory curriculum ( ). This is our 2nd year homeschooling and our first year with OLVS. As of week 2, we are loving it! The lesson plans are great and our days are very managable. We have had no problem condensing the 5 day week to a 4 day week so that we can participate in Sacramental activities our Catholic homeschool group plans. I am enjoying how each student's daily work is all written out for us.

The boys each have their own shelf of schoolbooks and a lesson plan.

Fifth grade books are top left and 7th grade is under it. Top right is 1st grade and underneath is our dictionary and some books on saints and flashcards.

This is our wipeboard. Above it are rules of behavior and our Daily Offering Prayer. Attached to the wipeboard are a list of the 70 most used prepositions and a map of the world.

This section holds, at the top, our encyclopedias. (Actually, they are mine from when I was a child and still so helpful!) At the top with them are more reference and history books. Below and on the left are Science books. Across from them and to the right are more reference books including a nice Time Life collection on the Great Ages of Man. At the bottom are buckets for items our younger students might like.

Closest to my chair ( and sunny spot) are teacher items. At the top, reference books, a box of wipeboard supplies, and my teacher manuals. In the middle are some more reference books and my Catholic Woman's Daily Planner lies atop some answer keys. On the bottom shelf is a collection of our Art books and our PACE books on Character Education and related Virtue books.

Our student nook (above) holds supplies. At the top we have portfolios for the year of work for each student. Underneath are tools like stickers, colored pencils, tape, stapler, timer, pens and pencils, scissor, sticky pads and prayer books. At the bottom, loose leaf paper and graph paper are stored along with a tub of extra supplies.

In this corner math manipulatives and alphabet games can be found as well as our classical music appreciation and Latin CDs. The globe and anatomy models and a few puzzles fill it up.

Completing the 360, here is Grandmom's girlhood piano. My 7th grader, and budding songwriter, composes on it and his siblings enjoy tickling the ivories as well. Every Monday our 1st grader fills in the weekly calendar. A Rule for Children is on the top left and religious items grace the right side. (Including an oil painting of Christ by my paternal grandmother!)

In this, our nearby "living room", is our library as we use the room more as that and a playroom. On the other side, is a big cozy reading chair and ottoman, a shelf of toys and a train table in the corner. Close by to the classroom, and with fun & educational cdroms on the computer, the 2 littler students can move to this room to have "fun" nearby.

And what's a day like? Well, here's what a day is supposed to be like... OUR SCHEDULE

7-7:30 wake up - breakfast - vitamins/meds - hygene - dress - make beds

8-8:30 daily prayers, RELIGION school work, daily saint (Baltimore Catechisms and The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass book)

Voyages/Excersizes in English GRAMMAR

MATH (Math U See and

READING COMPREHENSION - Catholic National Readers

Break for snack, excersize

10:30 - 11:30
Traditional Catholic SPELLING and

HISTORY (American, Pioneers & Patriots) and/or SCIENCE (SciLiving in God's World)

LATINa Christianna, Latin Prayers, learning to serve Latin Mass

(Fridays - Seton ART, classical MUSIC, guitar lessons)

leave for Mass - pray rosary in car

Mass and Angelus

car ride READING

lunch and recess

anything not done, journal WRITING - Moms reads P.A.C.E. for character education stories
or a novel, sometimes a special video

Chores - empty dishwasher, collect/put out trash, gather/put away laundry

That's the doesn't always happen like that.... this is our goal. Hoping our 3rd week finds us hitting this mark more closely.

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