Back to the People? OR ...Facing GOD
Word play. Semantics.
The link below to Seminarian Matthew's blog highlights for me the fascinating spin the media gives us on the centuries old Traditional Latin Mass of most of our Saints compared to the Novus Ordo Mass of the last 40 years. If Madison Avenue could take a crack at advertising the two, The Novus Ordo would have a big NEW AND IMPROVED banner on it and the Tridentine would be called CLASSIC Mass....
Hopefully, everyone will try each, appreciate each and WILL NOT THIRST.
But, back to the back...WHO should be the focus of the Mass? Whose really getting "THE BACK"?
A Catholic Life: Ad Orientem Click here to read about where one faces...
Semantics gave us diversions like "pro-choice" too ... finish the sentence, choosing what?? Whose body? Spin, spin, spin.....
The link below to Seminarian Matthew's blog highlights for me the fascinating spin the media gives us on the centuries old Traditional Latin Mass of most of our Saints compared to the Novus Ordo Mass of the last 40 years. If Madison Avenue could take a crack at advertising the two, The Novus Ordo would have a big NEW AND IMPROVED banner on it and the Tridentine would be called CLASSIC Mass....
Hopefully, everyone will try each, appreciate each and WILL NOT THIRST.
But, back to the back...WHO should be the focus of the Mass? Whose really getting "THE BACK"?
A Catholic Life: Ad Orientem Click here to read about where one faces...
Semantics gave us diversions like "pro-choice" too ... finish the sentence, choosing what?? Whose body? Spin, spin, spin.....
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